Friday, January 26, 2007

it's so real i thought it was real.

once there was a boy who wished that time would stop for him and his girl.

so he went to rub a lamp, hoping that the genie would appear.

so he rubbed it...

and rubbed...

and rubbed 'til it was hard.

at last it appeared.

"you only have three wishes", said the genie.

the boy did not hesitate. he wish that TIME WOULD STOP.

and so it was granted.
the concept is to drop temperature to 0 kelvin, making the atoms stop from moving. thus, time, as science defines it will stop.
first, he reversed the effect of gravity so that Earth would not be near any energy-giving heavenly body.
then he painted the planet white to negate the greenhouse effect.
he put a hole in the sratosphere to let the heat out.
lastly, he decreased the level of abundance of oxygen below 20% to prevent combustion.
alas, our planet became a lifeless ball of ice and non-moving atoms.
but the warmth of their love gave was more than enough for them to melt.


it's been a while since i posted somethin here. siguro isang buwan na din. hehe.

anyway, life has been good to me.

thanks to sigmund freud and ruperta asuncion...